Sunday, February 28, 2016

Teen Interviews

Recently I spoke with two teenage girls from a small Long Island community regarding their interests, social media preferences, and why they visit the library. Both teens are girls that have spent their entire lives in this community, one attending a Catholic high school (age 15), the other in public middle school (age 14). Some of their responses were similar though for the most part they differed enough to gain insight on the different interests of teens that may visit the teen department.

  • Both girls frequent the library because it is not their home but feels enough like home for them to be comfortable. They come in to read, do school work, or just hang out. Comfort is a key factor in bringing in teens. If a teen feels uncomfortable or out of place they most likely will not return. Nice seating, an area just for them, a welcoming but not overbearing environment - these could assist in making teens feel more comfortable in a library, particularly if they have not visited frequently in the past. 
  • A varied collection is a good collection. Each teen interviewed prefers to read different types of books for different reasons. 1 teen prefers realistic fiction with character she can love, while the other will read any genre so long as it challenges her mind. This is further proof that a teen collection must cover a range of genres and reading levels to both challenge teens and provide them with things they enjoy. 
  • Multiple programs allow teens to pursue their interests, learn something new, and relax. 1 teen I spoke with likes to attend program with a specific end goal. She wants the structure, while the other girl would rather attend an unstructured program that permits her time to take a break from her rigid school and extra curricular activities. By offering multiple programs teens can find one that meets their needs or exposes them to something new. 
  • Social media is an easy way to reach teens - but they don't use Facebook anymore! Neither teen has a Facebook account, but both use Instagram among other apps. Having a teen department or general library account on various social media accounts is a great way to promote programs and reach teens that may not be aware of what the library has to offer, plus it keeps teen regulars updated about any upcoming events. A good time to make posts is right before school lets out, many teens check their phones once class is done and they will see your updates.
  • Teens of various stress levels and busy schedules visit the library. One of the girls I spoke to is very laid back an does not overwhelm herself schedule wise, rather she does a few sports and clubs and focuses solely on those. The other girl has something scheduled for every day after school plus Sundays. She has everything planned out and wants her life to follow a specific plan. Having a space where they can both do work and relax is important. Having materials they want to see and programs they want to attend will keep them coming back. 
Knowing what teens like is imperative to maintaining a good Young Adult Department. 

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